How I Got My Book Deal!
The journey to getting TLS published has been a rollercoaster. From multiple agents, multiple revisions, multiple rounds of submission, there was never really a moment of peace with this book!
How I Got My (Second) Literary Agent!
I haven’t seen many blog posts from authors who’ve signed with a second, third, or even fourth agent, so today I wanted to talk about the journey that led me to my second (and DREAM) agent, whom I love with my whole heart!
Writing Mentorships & Pitch Contests Aren’t The Only Path to Success: My Experience With AMM & PitMad!
“Success” is not linear. It’s not something that’s guaranteed to come from getting agent ‘likes’ during pitch events or getting into mentorship programs. Publishing is a unique journey, and everyone has a different definition of what being “successful” means, anyway!
How I Got My Literary Agent!
Between talking to agents, reading contracts, asking follow-up questions, and sending out Full Requests, I was exhausted. Though I was tired, I was also floating on cloud-nine. However, things took a turn for “extremely stressful” when, during agent decision week, I suddenly had multiple offers of rep and had to decide which to accept.